Nice to meet you!

I’m Brian, an industrial designer dedicated to using innovation and imagination for meaningful social change. I'm currently studying industrial design at Georgia Tech where I explore a variety of areas from furniture design to visual brand language to UX research.

I am driven by my endless curiosity of the world and the people that inhabit it. My current focus is in social design for consumer goods.

Meaningful change is never made alone, let's embark on this journey together.

Why spotlight stigmatized subjects?

When you are given a voice, it is your responsibility to use it. As a designer, I am given a voice in the products I introduce into the world and, it is necessary that I extend this voice to those who are marginalized to empower their experiences.

Why listen and learn?

A single lifetime is not long enough to have an adequate understanding of the world. I must continue to listen to the stories of those near and far to learn about diverse perspectives and dig a deeper well of empathy.

Why spark joy through curiosity?

Just as pain and suffering are universal, so is joy and laughter — so why not spread endless joy. With creativity, innovation, and a bit of whimsy, I aim to show people how joyous the world can be through unexpected designs.

